Helene Weber-Prize 2020





Since 2009, the Helene Weber Prize has been recognising and empowering elected female representatives in local government who have distinguished themselves through their outstanding engagement. Another 15 prize-winners will be honoured in 2020, women who are active in politics and civil society and committed to women’s politics and equality policy; who promote the next generation of local politicians as well as diversity in municipal politics; and who act as role models for potential female representatives in local government.

The prize is advertised nationally and elected female representatives in local government can be proposed by members of the Bundestag. The prize-winners are selected by an independent jury that is chaired by the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (BMFSFJ) and made up of representatives from political foundations, local government associations and the German Women’s Council, as well as a former winner of the Helene Weber Prize. 

The prize-winners selected by the jury will be honoured at a gala award ceremony on 8th September 2020 and later receive a programme of personal development measures:

  • A networking weekend in Berlin for all the prize-winners

  • One-to-one coaching sessions

  • A budget of 500 euros to realise municipal-political activities in their respective local area